C'mon crew. Let's brew.
auto drip
A classic and easy way to brew. The set it and forget it crew.
Add water to reservoir. Insert coffee filter. Add ground coffee to filter. Turn on brewer. Run until completed. (Kinda boring, we know!)
brew better
coffee: 30g – 60g (6 – 12 Tbsp)
water: 450g – 960g (195°F-205°F)
grind: Medium / Coarse
time: 5:00 – 7:30
For those who like to impress. Let’s put that fancy toy to good use.
Add ground coffee to filter basket(portafilter). Tamp or compress grounds. Insert filter basket into espresso machine. Turn on machine and let run until desired time and volume. If you don’t see espresso… Houston, we have a problem.
brew better
coffee: 15g - 20g (3 – 4 Tbsp)
water: 30g – 40g (195°F-205°F)
grind: Fine
time: 24s – 36s
french press
For the coffee purist. Or for those who always forget to buy filters.
Add ground coffee to press pot. Add water ensuring all grounds are saturated. Let sit for desired time. Insert filter, plunger, press, or whatever the top part is called, and press down, slowly. Yummm.
brew better
coffee: 30g – 50g (6 – 10 Tbsp)
water: 450g – 800g (195°F-205°F)
grind: Coarse
time: 4:00 – 5:00
Pour Over
Let’s go camping y’all! Wait, second thought, let’s stay home and brew.
Insert coffee filter (and rinse with water first - yes it helps!). Add ground coffee to filter. Slowly pour water over grounds in circle-like motions. Repeat several times. See dark colored liquid? Good, brewing complete.
brew better
coffee: 15g - 25g (3 – 5 Tbsp)
water: 240g – 400g (195°F-205°F)
grind: Medium / Coarse
time: 2:30 – 4:30
cold brew
You’re so hip. So trendy. You only drink iced coffee.
Add ground coffee to a "vessel." Ideally, a French Press works well. Add water saturating all of the coffee grounds. Stir round and round. Let sit for desired time. Filter grounds(use that press thing) and serve(over ice - duh).
brew better
coffee: 30g – 50g (6 – 10 Tbsp)
water: 300g -500g (60°F-80°F))
grind: Coarse
time: 16h – 24h